

Baby Boomer Travel Trends

Written by : Peter Mangan

The Institute of Customer Service report that adults over 55 spend £2.2bn more on travel annually than millennials, making it vital that their hopes and desires for travel experience are understood and listened to. The opportunity to travel is often more possible for older people than those of younger generations. With no young children and often no mortgage or large housing costs to consider, the over 50s have more to spend on the things they love, and for many, this includes travel. Baby Boomer travel trends include traveling more and for longer, as well as spending more money on trips than younger demographics.

Research has shown that people between the ages of 60 and 74 want to travel as intensively as possible while they still have their health. They recognised the time to travel in retirement is quite limited, and therefore making the most of it is vital. Many older people are still in work, but those who aren’t can pick and choose the best locations and times of year and enjoy the freedom to travel at their leisure.

Below we’re exploring some of the key Baby Boomer travel trends and where this demographic group may be getting the most from their voyaging.

1. Cities and Culture

There are many misconceptions around over 50s travellers being tied into cruises and group excursions. While cruise holidays are popular, city breaks and cultural escapes are a huge draw for this market. City breaks can be as long or short as you like and are a chance to immerse yourself fully in the culture and society of your chosen destination. Many older travellers are as adventurous as they ever were and want to experience new and exciting things in different countries. While travel can be about luxurious relaxation, for travellers over 50, it can also be a chance to adventure and experience something new. This is especially true for retirees who no longer have the stress of work keeping them busy all day every day, and travel can be about more than a chance to relax and unwind.

2. Skip-Gen Tavel

While some older travellers may enjoy travels with their whole family, there is a growing trend in Skip-Gen Travel, where the older generation takes the grandchildren away on a skip-generation trip. This trend allows for working parents to remain home, and the grandparents can explore a wider range of travel opportunities while keeping the kids occupied and enjoying themselves. Travel agencies and specialist tour companies focus on trips designed for the grandparent-grandchild travel demographic and it’s a fun way for older travellers to enjoy even more time with their younger counterparts.

3. Greener Travels

The growing problem of carbon emissions and cutting our impact on the environment through fewer flights or carbon offsetting is important for all travellers. Many older travellers are painfully aware of their environmental impact. This has seen a shift towards staycations, travels by train and finding ways to avoid what environmental activists define as flygskam (flight shame). Many older travellers are getting inventive with their approach to travel, opting for rail for short-haul trips and the opportunity to enjoy a unique mode of transport such as the Orient Express or a sleeper train across the American Midwest.

4. Slow Travel

Slow travel is a growing trend and is especially suited to older travellers who have lots of time on their hands. With more free time to enjoy, older travellers can extend their stay in any destination and take the time to connect with the local culture and people. Slow travel can also minimise your carbon footprint and is a better option for local communities and economies as travellers offer more than a short stop and stay. People watching in a Paris street café or trekking through Peru at your own pace, slow travel allows for an authentic connection with the location you’re visiting beyond the basic tourist experience.

5. Embracing Solo Trips

Travelling alone can feel daunting, but the over 50s seem more than happy exploring alone and enjoying the world’s amazing sights and sounds. Solo travel is a very personal experience. Many who travel alone will look for guided tours, organised excursions and the opportunity to find local experts to help ensure they get the most from each experience. Adventuring alone is an exciting and freeing experience, a chance to explore the world in a way only you can appreciate. Travellers with safety concerns can find dedicated tour companies who specialise in trips and experiences for solo travellers. Furthermore, there is also a growing market in the homestay sector. Solo travellers can book a stay with a local host in their own home, immersing themselves in local living and connecting with the authentic ways of life in their chosen location. This is also a great solution for travellers worried about loneliness or hoping for some company on their travels.

6. DNA Travel

As we get older, many of us become more interested in our family history and roots. Genealogy can go beyond simply looking up records and seeking out facts. For many, it has also become a travel experience. The growth in popularity of DNA testing kits means many people are finding they have roots in many far-flung destinations. Ancestry, heritage or DNA travel, depending on which company you speak to, is booming as more people take the time to explore the homes of their ancestors. Heritage travel could mean simply visiting a city or location your ancestors came from, or it could be more intense and involve a fact-finding expedition to seek out records and information about your relatives overseas. The beauty of this kind of travel as it is both a chance to explore the world and find out more about your family history, something you can continue at home and develop a real interest and passion for.

Travelling in your retirement or in later life is a unique opportunity to plan your adventures around your lifestyle. Your preferences can be a priority, and you can take the time to choose destinations which really appeal to you. Whether you want to immerse yourself in a new country and take things slowly or discover your ancestral past, satisfying your wanderlust is easy with the right trip.

If retirement is imminent or you’re reaching later life and are ready for the next adventure, now’s the perfect time to book that trip and explore the world.

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