

Spreading Your Wings Over 50

Written by : Peter Mangan

Since Coronavirus has become less of a threat and we can begin to explore and enjoy the world more freely, it’s theperfect time to consider an adventure of a lifetime. Many retirees and those approaching retirement have had travel on their “must-do” list since their school days and with the time available, now is simply the perfect time to do it.

At the height of the pandemic, we couldn’t even leave our homes for more than an hour or so. Therefore, it is understandable that many of us have an appetite for wanderlust that needs sating. Embracing your freedom and exploring the world in later life can be transformative, and here we’re looking at exactly why over 50 is the perfect time to spread your wings and explore the world.

Because you CAN

Nothing is stopping you from booking that flight or arranging that tour. Commitments such as high-pressured work and family are no longer a daily concern, and you can enjoy your time as you see
fit. For many people, their later years are the first time since their teens or early 20s they’ve been free of responsibilities that can’t be easily handed over to someone else to manage. Your kids have moved out, you may even have grandchildren, and you may be in the enviable position to have paid off your mortgage. All these factors add up to more financial freedom as well as time to do what you want. Travel is the perfect way to experience the world from a new perspective.

To test your capabilities

It is natural to feel like you may have lost a bit of direction or purpose as you age. With no family to raise and no career to build, it can be difficult to know what’s next. Embarking uponadventures around the world is a fantastic way to test your mettle and realise just how capable you are. Solo travel is particularly effective as everything is down to you. You plan your trips, arrange your tours, and choose who you spend your time with. You’ll soon realise you’re much more capable than you could ever imagine, and the whole world is out there for you to enjoy.

For building confidence & self-understanding

Taking yourself away from your normal surroundings can be a really powerful way of getting to know yourself a little better. As you grapple with flights and accommodation, tour bookings and travel guides, you’ll gain confidence each time until you’re a pro. The world is full of amazing opportunities, and as you experience more, you’ll learn as much about yourself as you do about the wider world. You might discover a new passion or a foreign cuisine that you can’t wait to replicate in your own kitchen.

See the world differently

As you immerse yourself in the culture and society of another country, you will come to appreciate the world differently. Embracing and exploring other traditions, customs and cultures is one of the most rewarding parts of world travel. Whether you stick to your comfort zone or take yourself far into new and unusual places, every trip is a chance to explore the world in a new way.

Make new friends

When you choose to travel, you can find yourself in many wonderful places that you would never have expected. Whether you explore local markets and get to know vendors and their unique approach to sales or book tours with local guides proud to show off the jewels of their town or city, you’ll have the chance to see how other people live and become part of it. Older travellers also benefit from being able to travel for as long as they want, so you could easily spend a few weeks or months in a single area and begin to feel like one of the locals. The homestay market is particularly useful if this is the kind of experience you’re looking for. Homestay holidays allow you to live with a local family and connect with the community in the area. This experience is a chance to build connections and bonds with a part of the world and its people you could never have imagined having before, and many of these friendships last far beyond the length of the holiday.

Learn something new

Learning new skills and keeping your brain active are common priorities for older folk, especially after retirement. Enjoying travel and jetting off to locations around the world will certainly keep your brain active, and it’s an opportunity to engage in new hobbies and experiences. Whether you want to master a European language or go white-water rafting on the Zambezi River, travel allows you to throw yourself into new experiences and perhaps discover a new passion. Whatever your preferred approach to travel, you can use it as a driver for other new experiences, learning valuable new skills and living as fulfilling a life as possible.

Travel in the post pandemic world

Travelling should not be something you’re fearful of, and the majority of the world is now back open and ready to welcome tourists from around the world. The connected nature of the modern world also means you can travel for as long as you like without homesickness or concerns about your loved ones. They’re only one Skype call away.

Travelling in later life gives you something positive to look forward to and means you can schedule your life around your adventures. It’s also worth remembering that not every experience has to be a high-octane adventure. Spending your days relaxing and strolling the world’s beaches is a completely acceptable way to explore too. Your travel, your rules.

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