

How to be a good guest

Written by : Robin

Once you’ve chosen a location for your next holiday, there are a number of options available to the savvy traveller. Hotels used to be the most common option and are still hugely popular. AirBnbs and standard BnBs are often excellent choices for the price-conscious. For something truly unique,you should consider staying with a Freebird Club host.

This treads the line between visiting a friend and being a hotel-guest, often meaning you get the best of both worlds! Your host will make an effort for you, and it is good manners to reciprocate with good house guest etiquette.

Essentially it’s easy – be courteous to your host and behave as you’d want someone to act if they stayed with you (and maybe they will!) – but if you’re a bit rusty, or unsure about some of the specifics, we’re here to help.

To see where our hosts are located, sign up and search for free now.

Things to do when staying at someone’s house

Staying at someone’s house is enriching. You receive a more personal experience and can build a rapport with your host. You’ll be able to get a better understanding of the area you’re visiting and can make your stay less formal or removed than staying in a hotel.

Here are some points to make sure you have a great time, and ensure you’re showing appreciation as a guest.

Good pre-communication

Ahead of your arrival you’ll speak to your host to confirm details such as arrival and departure date, method of transport from the airport. Make sure you reply promptly and communicate any dietary requirements or room requests ahead of time, be open to small talk online too, you can find out a bit more about your host and their interests and set yourselves up for better bonding when you meet in person.

Show up with a gift

They say you should never arrive empty-handed and that remains true regardless of the house. A small token of appreciation such as a bottle of wine, a copy of your favourite book or even a local delicacy from your hometown are all good ideas.

Be complimentary about the house

Your host will have made an effort to make things look nice and prepared the house for your visit. Make sure to drop in a compliment or two to reassure them it was worth it .

Spend a bit of time chatting with your host

It can be daunting at first striking up a conversation with a stranger away from home but fear not! If you’ve been getting on while chatting ahead of your visit enough for you to stay with them, chances are you’ll get on ok during your time there. Take the time to ask them questions about themselves and the area, and it’s pretty certain you’ll learn a few new things – and maybe even make a friend along the way.

(Offer to) make some tea/coffee

You don’t have to do this, but it is a nice touch to offer to make a hot drink at least once during your visit. It can help put your host at ease and is a small way of saying thanks.

Clean up after yourself

This should go without saying, but don’t leave a trail of detritus in your wake. If you do use crockery or cutlery, wash it up or offer to help tidy after meals.

Pack everything

When it comes to leaving, make sure you take everything with you. Leave the place as you found it. Perhaps use our checklist to tick everything off as you pack it!

Sign the guest book

If there is a guest book, make sure to leave your comments and thanks in it. Aside from the pleasant read it makes for your host – it informs future visitors and can be enjoyable to flick through for you!

Sign up to host, yourself

If you’ve enjoyed your experience staying in a home and are interested in hosting yourself next time, why not sign up and give it a go in through the Freebird Club? If you’re wondering how we support hosts, have a look at our article here,


Being hosted by a welcoming and like-minded host can provide you with a vibrant and engaging stay on your next trip. From understanding the area in greater detail to a tailored visit, it provides a wonderful alternative to other accommodation options.
Explore the world through other people’s eyes and experience a different way of travelling. Sign up for Freebird Club today.

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