

Lose yourself in a literary inspired holiday

Written by : Oisin Teevan

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending”.

C.S Lewis

There are many beautiful destinations in books, and many locations across the world offer book-lovers an exciting opportunity to see the landscapes that inspired their idols and sparked the imagination for a million wonderful stories. Approaching your next trip as a literary holiday could be a novel way of discovering a new favourite place.

To add the next chapter to your story, check out Freebird Club’s list of friendly like-minded travellers hosts. Join Freebird Club here.

Inspirational holiday locations for bookworms

As a book-worm, you’ll have read many poems and pieces of prose that have swept you away and curdled time as you join characters on their journeys. Wouldn’t it be amazing to take in the sights and smells of those places that inspired some of your favourite works of fiction?

We’ve picked a selection of literary destinations that have had profound effects on many an author, for you to follow in their footsteps.


Any literary trip list worth its salt has to include the Irish Capital. The city that has homed and inspired luminaries such as James Joyce, Oscar Wilde, Samuel Beckett and Sally Rooney, owns a special place amongst word-lovers.

Visit Trinity College, the Museum of Literature, the James Joyce Centre or some of the many theatres and landmarks such as Ireland’s oldest bookshop, Hodges Figgis, founded in 1748.


The city of love, life and literature. Its sentence-strewn streets have been trodden by more creative boots than you can universally long for. Playing host to the Lost Generation group of writers (Hemingway, Cummings, Fitzgerald et al) in the 1920’s, its literary influence is certainly far-reaching and considered one of the best in the world.

The most obvious destination is Shakespeare and Co. Other must-see venues are Le Maison de Victor Hugo and The Bouqinistes.

We recommend reading Hemmingway’s Midnight in Paris to really get a sense of the 1920s literary movement while you’re there.


We would speak an infinite deal of nothing were we to ignore Stratford-upon-Avon. We all know Shakespeare hailed from this beautiful area of the country, and it is well worth a visit. Whether you watch a performance at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, or visit Anne Hathaway’s Cottage – it’s also worth taking the time to flutter over to the butterfly farm.


Surprisingly known for more than just its comma, Oxford has fed some of the most magical fiction of our time. Middle Earth, Narnia and His Dark Materials have all come from Oxford-inspired minds – not to mention it being the birthplace of Alice in Wonderland.

As a starting point, visit the Bodleian Library, take in the artefacts at the Ashmolean Museum and find some peace in the Botanic Gardens.

Inspirational holiday destinations from fiction

The best books are those that evoke strong feelings, depict detailed landscapes and allow your imagination to get lost in the description. Whether it’s a fondly remembered book from your childhood, a holiday favourite or a piece that transported you to the hazy uplands of a foreign land, we’ve got some ideas to start your literary wanderlust.

The secret Garden (English Countryside

The English countryside is the setting for many childhood books – The Magic FarAway Tree, The Secret Garden and the Beatrix Potter series all paint a delightful picture of verdant fields, mysterious woods and hidden treasures. If you’ve never read them, then you’re in for a treat – and if you have, it’s worth revisiting them all.

Exploring the English Countryside is always high on travel itineraries. Although the house in the Secret Garden is fictional, it was set in North Yorkshire. Make sure to visit the North York Moors where you will experience a range of breathtaking views and varied activities.

Living in a Foreign Language (Tuscanny)

While Tuscany is a popular Italian destination, this book may be less well known. Centred around an American couple who, while vacationing in Tuscany, fall in love with a small cottage and decide to buy it. A delightful travelogue about the couple’s journey to ingratiate themselves in the culture.

Tuscany has a wealth of beautiful locations to visit. The book is set in the Spoleto Valley, and you could also check out the Saturnia Hot Springs, as well as the usual city suspects of Florence et al.

The Sea (County Wexford)

While the cities of Ireland have many stories contained behind their doors, a popular country destination is that of County Wexford. John Baneville’s ‘The Sea’, depicts an art-historian returning to his favourite summer holiday destination to navigate his way through sorrow.

Colm Toibin’s Brooklyn also has the idyllic beaches and dappled woodlands as its backdrop as its protagonist battles the charms of her homeland with the vibrancy of New York.

While you’re there, take in a heritage walking tour, check out one of the seven beaches and visit the famous sibling of Tintern Abbey (Tintern de Voto).

Lose yourself in a literary holiday

It’s incredibly easy to get lost in a good book. Many of your favourite pieces of fiction are based on or inspired by the vivacious and varied world around it. Choosing destinations from works of fiction may seem fanciful, but it’s a great way to see the world and meet new people, and maybe, write a story of your own.

Have a look at our Freebirds and hosts who’ll help you navigate wherever you decide to go next, adding their own tales to those in print.
Join Freebird Club here.

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