

International Women’s Month: Member Spotlight – Kerri Hedley-Cheney

Written by : Rachel Reisman

During this International Women’s Month, we had the pleasure of chatting with Kerri Hedley-Cheney, one of our female members with a deep passion for solo travel. Explore Kerri’s inspiring journey and perspectives on solo travel and being a Freebird Club member in our conversation below as we celebrate International Women’s Month.

Can you share a bit about your background and what inspired you to become a part of the Freebird Club Community?

I have always loved travel and spent much of my life working in Travel and Entertainments, often combining the two!  I worked in Devon and Cornwall initially as a Bluecoat (back in the day!) and loved being away from home, which at the time was Croydon! and living a different life in a different environment. Then I worked in Southern France picking grapes for a Summer, eventually landing a job as part of the Entertainments team aboard the prestigious QE2. When I found this group of fellow adventurers, all of a certain age, I felt compelled to join and see what I was all about. I’m glad I did.

What aspects of traveling do you find most enjoyable or fulfilling?

Where to begin?! I love all of it, from researching locations to finding deals and experiences to have whilst away, to finding the right travel mate! I cannot imagine living my life in one place – the very thought of it makes me shudder!  As soon as I return from one trip I am planning the next. It is the one indulgence in life that I do not think twice about. Making memories and experiencing new things just fills my soul with joy!

Could you recount your most memorable travel experience?

There have honestly been so many, I have traveled the seven seas from Alaska to Zanzibar and most places in between. I guess the most pivotal moment was joining QE2 for the first time in New York, just turned 23 and never flown that far alone. From that point on it was a whirlwind of new experiences.  In 2020 I took my two children (then 22 and 14) to Australia where I had previously been but they had never seen. It was absolutely brilliant and we made some unforgettable memories.  But also seeing places like French Polynesia’s Bora Bora, Tahiti, Moorea and such like is just magical.  Also the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro was spectacular! I could honestly go on forever about my travels…you will regret opening that pandora’s box! Lol! 

Can you tell me a bit about what motivated you to go work at sea? What was that experience like? What was the best place you’ve visited by ship?

I come from a family of musicians and entertainers and my Dad worked at sea as Entertainments Director on the original Arcadia, Orsova, Oriana and many more in the 60’s and 70’s so it is definitely in my blood! Had he not done that it is likely I would not have even known it was an option – I am so glad I did – it was life changing as a career. When I was there from 1988 onwards, it really was for the rich and famous and we were privileged to have worked with some amazing celebrities, from Tony Bennett, Neil Sedaka, Robert Vaughn, Victor Borge, Petula Clarke and of course many members of the British Royal Family, including our late Queen, Prince Phillip and the Queen Mother, I was once appointed the role of Personal Liaison Escort for HRH Prince Edward. Like I said, they were magical times! In terms of the best place, it is so hard to call….Visiting places like Devil’s Island in French Guiana where the film Papillon was based was mind blowing. But we always had an incredible reception sailing into Sydney. Also nothing beats the early morning sail ins to New York past Staten Island and past the Statue of Liberty.

What destination is at the top of your travel wishlist. and what draws you to it?

I adore Australia and New Zealand but there are so many incredible places to see in the world and I feel so fortunate to have had a glimpse of so many of them. I’d love to return to the Maldives and Thailand. In all honesty there are not many places I don’t want to see! I’d love to revisit South Africa too and do a safari there. We did one in Mombasa but a South African Safari is definitely bucket list stuff!  

Can you share a unique or unexpected experience from one of your past travels that left a lasting impression on you?

There are many but I will detail two for now. One unforgettable experience was when we were in Alaska and we had gone on a tour boat with a local guide to Whale watch.  We witnessed a pod of 3 killer whales circling and pursuing  a dolphin who had been separated from his pod. These giant beasts of the sea were herding the dolphin to the point of exhaustion and eventually, predictably he met a grisly end. It was staggering to see how they worked together to exhaust their prey – harsh but nature at work and it was an honor to witness it. Also, we spent 5 nights in Manaus docked on the Amazon River. We were taken out in a small boat and did a spot of piranha fishing (my husband actually caught one!) and then we drifted into the jungle with our guide. It was incredibly peaceful, yet noisy and a tad terrifying in equal measure. Definitely unforgettable though.

What key advice would you offer to individuals who are eager to embark on their travel adventures but might be unsure where to start?

Travel is the most enriching thing you can do for yourself – however you do it! Just make a plan, and start working towards it. Ask advice, Google safe destinations for tourists, there are so many travel pages on social media now, it is almost foolproof! Be bold, be rigorous in your planning and then simply let the adventure unfold. You won’t regret it!

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