How to Travel by Plane (in Style)

Prior to covid, globally, there were an average of 40 million flights a day. That may seem like a lot, but when only 20% of the world has ever stepped foot on a plane – with 40% of Americans having never flown internationally – there’s a whole world (literally) of people who have never experienced the thrill of flying.

Whether you’re part of that world, unsure what to do on your first time on a plane or if it’s been a few years and you’re not sure if anything’s changed, we’ve pulled together some tips for flying.

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Booking the flight

Before you book the flight you’ll want to check your passport details are up to date, and whether there are any Visa or Esta travel documents that need to be arranged for your destination, prior to your arrival.

Travelling by plane

Broadly speaking you can break the journey into 4 steps – the main two being packing and the airport experience.

  1. 1. Packing for the Trip
  2. 2. The Airport Experience
  3. 3. The Flight
  4. 4. Disembarking and onward travel.

Packing for the Trip

Packing efficiently and effectively is crucial when travelling by plane. Here are some tips to consider:

Check baggage restrictions

Familiarise yourself with the airline’s baggage policies, and double check any size and weight limitations with your ticket, to avoid any surprises at the airport. The last thing you want is to have to pay an overage fee. Also remember to check the hand-luggage policy. The UK Government has one here.

Make a packing list

Some basic packing tips for flying are to make a checklist of your necessities. We’ve created one you can use as a starting point. Prioritise items based on your destination, weather conditions, and duration of the trip. You can use Google to find out the forecast at your destination, or if you’ve connected with a Freebird Host or tour guide, ask them if they have any recommendations.

Remember travel-sized toiletries 

To comply with carry-on restrictions, transfer your toiletries into travel-sized containers, Alternatively, consider purchasing travel-sized versions of your favourite products. The limit is 100ml – although in the UK this will be dropped in 2024.

Pack versatile clothing

Choose clothing items that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits. For a less stressful time, pack lightweight and wrinkle-resistant fabrics to save space and reduce the need for ironing.

The Airport Experience

Navigating the airport can be overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time. Here are some tips to help you navigate the airport with ease:

Arrive early

Once you arrive at the airport, you’ll need to check-in, go through security, and find your gate. Arriving at least two hours before domestic flights and three hours before international flights is generally recommended.

Prepare necessary documents

You will require your passport and boarding pass available throughout the check in and security processes, so keep them and any other required documents easily accessible. Having them organised beforehand will help streamline the check-in and security processes.

Dress comfortably

The security check will require you to remove any metallic items (including belts) and potentially even shoes. Wearing comfortable clothing and footwear that can be easily removed will make this process easier. Layers are also recommended as temperatures can vary throughout the airport and on the plane.

Stay hydrated and nourished

Bring an empty reusable water bottle to fill up after passing through security. Additionally, pack some snacks to keep you energised during the flight. This is a cost-effective and useful way to deal with hunger on the flight – especially if the airline doesn’t offer complimentary food.

The Flight

Once you’re on board, here are some tips to make your flight more enjoyable:

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water throughout the flight to prevent dehydration, as the cabin air can be dry. Ideally you should avoid excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol, as they can contribute to dehydration, but do whatever will enhance your experience!

Dress in layers

Aeroplane cabins can vary in temperature, the air conditioning tends to bring the temperature down – wearing layers will allow you to adjust accordingly. Additionally, consider bringing a light blanket or a travel pillow for added comfort.

Keep yourself entertained

Bring along items to keep yourself entertained during the flight, such as books, magazines, or electronic devices. Many airlines, especially long-haul, will offer in-flight entertainment systems, but having your own backup options ensures you won’t be bored.

Disembarking and Onward Travel

Once you land, there are a couple of final pieces to be aware of.

Follow instructions

Listen to the announcements from the flight crew and follow their instructions regarding disembarking procedures. You may have to be patient. Be aware of those around you, some of whom may not be as patient! Also be careful when taking your luggage down from the overheard locker.

Collect your belongings

Before leaving the aircraft, double-check the seat pocket, your seat itself and the overhead locker to ensure you haven’t left anything behind.

Navigate the airport

Once off the plane, follow the signs to baggage claim, immigration, or any other necessary checkpoints. You can generally follow the crowd, but there will be different queues depending upon your passport origin. (e.g. Europe / Rest of World). If you have connecting flights, pay attention to the gate information and allow enough time for transit.

Onward Travel

Ensure you know how you’re getting to your destination. Public transport, and taxis will be signposted. If you have pre-booked a coach or connecting service, there will be stands with the company logo once you are through passport control.


Flying can be an exciting adventure, whether it’s your first time or a routine journey. By following these tips, you can make the most of your flying experience.

Remember to pack efficiently, arrive early at the airport, dress comfortably, and stay hydrated during the flight. We hope you can embrace the joy and wonder of flying. Safe travels!

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