

How Unpaid Housesitting & Petsitting Works

Free housesitting and petsitting offers a unique opportunity for traveling homeowners to leave their home and pets for longer (and more affordably) or for traveling housesitters to explore new destinations while staying in a local’s home for free. Unpaid housesitting and pet-sitting is a mutually beneficial exchange.

Homeowners who travel frequently need reliable sitters to look after their pets and homes, and they often use house-sitting websites to find trustworthy candidates. In exchange for free accommodation, sitters agree to care for the home and pets according to the homeowner’s instructions. This exchange works well for both parties: homeowners save money on pet boarding or house-sitting services, and pet-loving sitters can travel affordably while experiencing life as a local.

Websites like Trusted Housesitters facilitate these exchanges by connecting homeowners with prospective sitters.

There are no payments involved. Homeowners get peace of mind knowing their homes and pets are well taken care of, while sitters benefit from free accommodation in new and exciting places. The arrangement is ideal for those who love to travel and prefer a more authentic experience of living like a local.

Trusted Housesitters

How Trusted Housesitters Works (for Homeowners)

Trusted Housesitters offers homeowners an excellent way to find reliable people to look after their homes and pets while they are away. By joining this platform, homeowners can list their properties and describe the care their pets need, allowing potential sitters to apply for the assignment. No money is exchanged – instead, the agreement is based on a mutual benefit: the homeowner receives free pet and home care, and the sitter gets free accommodation.

Homeowners can view profiles, read reviews, and communicate with applicants to find the perfect match. This approach ensures peace of mind, knowing that their home and pets are in good hands while they travel.

How Trusted Housesitters Works (for Housesitters)

For those interested in house-sitting, Trusted Housesitters is a fantastic platform that connects you with homeowners worldwide. By signing up, you gain access to a variety of house-sitting opportunities, from short weekend stays to longer commitments lasting several months.

Housesitters create a profile, complete with photos, a personal description, and references or reviews from previous house-sits. Once your profile is set up, you can browse through available listings and apply for ones that match your preferences. Keep in mind that the most desirable assignments may be competitive, so having a complete profile and good communication skills can help you stand out.

Who are the People Doing Housesitting?

House-sitting appeals to a wide variety of people, but two main groups often gravitate toward it:

  1. Long-Term Budget Travelers: Many house-sitters use this lifestyle to travel the world without paying for accommodation. Digital nomads, writers, retirees, and others who work remotely often take on long-term assignments to reduce costs while enjoying new places for longer periods of time.
  2. People Who Love Traveling and Animals: For those who enjoy both travel and caring for pets, house-sitting offers the perfect combination. This group includes retirees, remote workers, and teachers with extended breaks who seek affordable travel options that allow them to experience local culture and stay in comfort.

How to Get Started with Housesitting (as a Housesitter)

Getting your first house-sitting assignment can be challenging, especially if you have no previous reviews. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

  • Include really good pictures of yourself smiling, pictures of you with pets, etc. and choose a catchy headline for your sitter profile
  • Be Flexible with Dates and Locations: Remember that house-sitting is about finding mutually beneficial opportunities. Being too rigid about dates or locations can limit your chances. Start by looking for local sits or shorter-term assignments, which are less competitive.
  • Check Listings Frequently: Keep an eye on new opportunities by setting up alerts and checking listings daily. Last-minute postings can be a great way to secure your first house-sitting job, as homeowners may be in urgent need of a sitter.
  • Consider Less Popular Destinations and Off-Season Sits: Your chances of landing a house-sitting job improve when you apply for locations or seasons that are less in demand. You might find it easier to get an assignment in winter or in a less popular area.

Tips for Making a Great Impression

To increase your chances of getting chosen, make sure to provide plenty of verification of your identity and social proof. Include links to your LinkedIn profile, Airbnb reviews, or any other references that show you are trustworthy and reliable.

It’s important to remember that house-sitting is a two-way exchange, so both parties should feel comfortable with the arrangement. Ensure you’ve seen photos of the home, spoken with the homeowner, and clarified all expectations before agreeing to any assignment.

How to Get Started with Housesitting (as a Home and Pet Owner)

Securing a housesitter in advance of your trip is important. If it’s your first time using a housesitting exchange site, the following tips will help:

Make Sure That You Have Realistic Expectations:

When it comes to securing an unpaid housesitter, it’s important to have realistic expectations. Travelers who do housesitting in exchange for the travel experience (versus as a paid, professional petsitter) are normally seeking certain types of housesits, certain destinations, housesits that span a certain length of time, etc.

For sitters, traveling to and from a destination is not free. They also pay a fee to be a member of a housesitting site. It requires time and effort to apply for a sit, meet homeowners in advance, plan their travel to the destination, etc. It also then takes time to settle into a home and location before getting comfortable.

Additionally, caring for pets means that petsitters aren’t on vacation, when they travel to a home to do a housesit. They have responsibilities that those on vacation don’t have such as a certain number of hours they can be out of the house, caring for someone else’s home and personal belongings, etc.

Therefore, there are some sits that may be more challenging to find unpaid sitters for than others. The following are just a few examples (keeping in mind, that every housesitter is different/has different preferences):

-Very short sits.

-Sits with a lot of different animals to care for (unless they are sitters who specifically seek out sits in rural locations with lots of animals for long periods of time because they enjoy that lifestyle).

-Sits in remote or hard to reach destinations

-Sits with pets that have serious health or other issues

-Sits in less desirable destinations

Post Listings Early and Check Responses Frequently:

To attract potential housesitters, create your listing well in advance of your needed dates. Regularly check and respond to inquiries, and consider setting up alerts for last-minute availability if your plans change or if an urgent need arises.

Consider local sitters first:

Start by considering local sitters, who don’t have to travel internationally or buy flights to get to your home.

Consider sitters with few or no reviews, if you are having trouble securing someone:

Those without many (or any) reviews are more likely to respond to a request to do a shorter sit, a local sit, a sit in a less desirable area, etc. as they need to build up reviews.

Tips for Finding the Right Housesitter and Making Your Listing Desirable to Housesitters

  1. Look for sitters with verified profiles, reviews, or references that demonstrate trustworthiness and reliability.
  2. To increase your chances of securing a reliable housesitter, provide as much information as possible in your listing. This includes clear descriptions of the home, photos, and any special requirements or tasks expected of the sitter.

Remember, housesitting is a two-way exchange, so both parties should feel comfortable with the arrangement. Before finalizing any agreement, ensure you’ve communicated clearly, seen any necessary documentation from the sitter, and confirmed all expectations on both sides.


House-sitting can be a wonderful way to travel the world, experience new cultures, and meet new friends – both furry and human! If you’re thinking about giving it a try, why not take the plunge? Remember to stay flexible, build your profile, and communicate openly to make the most of this unique opportunity.

Happy Housesitting!

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