

Following your Irish-American roots

Written by : Robin

Ireland and America are two fondly connected countries, thanks to a unified history that has led to nearly 1 in 10 Americans tracing their roots back to the Emerald Isle.

The closeness brought by identity has helped engender a special bond between the two countries, with many generations growing up listening to folk-tales, songs and absorbing the culture of a country their great-great grandparents called home.

Irish-American Heritage Month began in 1991 and commemorates the achievements and successes of Irish Immigrants and their descendants. Celebrated in March – thanks to St. Patrick’s day – every year there is a proclamation on the month from the President of the United States.

And with the current President fully embracing his Irish heritage there’s no better time to consider embarking upon your own pilgrimage. Whether it’s stories you grew up with of magical fairy circles, the enormity and grandeur of the landscape or just the opportunity to taste Guiness in its own surrounds, planning a trip to Ireland could be just the craic you’re looking for.

Join Freebird Club today to connect with members in Ireland and start your journey home.

Top Tips for a first time visit to Ireland

A few things to bear in mind for your first trip to the delights of Ireland.

irish street

Find your roots

There’s no better way to know where to start your trip than to know where your lineage started. Ancestry DNA kits offer a clear cut path to knowing where it all began. The kit known best for it’s Irish accuracy is the Find My Past Kit from Living DNA that can pinpoint exactly where in Ireland you’re from. There’s also 23AndMe which gives you a break down of your Homo Sapien vs Neanderthal roots if you’re interested in finding that out.

Plan your itinerary carefully

Although it’s not *that* far to travel, you’ll want to enjoy your time in the country. Opting for a slower-paced itinerary that allows you to spend more time in each destination will maximise the appreciation of the country and your surroundings.

Pack appropriately

Ireland’s weather can change on a sixpence. Pack multiple layering options and make sure you have protection options from the rain. Comfortable walking shoes and a waterproof jacket are essential. If you have any specific medical conditions, make sure to bring any necessary medications or medical supplies.

Take advantage of senior discounts

Many attractions, museums, and public transportation services offer discounts for senior citizens. Carry your ID to avail these discounts, and ask about senior rates wherever you go. If you’re a member of AARP you can potentially qualify for other discounts and if you’re planning for a longer trip, you could sign up for the Senior’s Card.

Consider linking up with a fellow Freebird

Although group tours can be an excellent option in the city, having your own dedicated local to show you around nearby haunts – both urban and rural – can provide you with a unique experience. Connecting with a Freebird could also help put you on your ancestral path, with their local knowledge.

Take breaks and pace yourself

The breathtaking countryside and beautiful cities are charming, but they can involve a fair amount of walking. Be sure to take breaks and plan daily routes around cafes and watering holes (like local pubs)…! Pace yourself and don’t feel pressured to see everything in one day. Enjoy the journey and allow time for relaxation.

Review your transportation

Ireland offers various transportation options, including buses, trains, and taxis – the best mode of transport will be different in towns and cities than in the countryside. Public transportation may require walking or navigating stairs, so consider private transportation if mobility is a concern. You could even consider hiring a car for a whole country tour!

Some of the best places to visit in Ireland

When visiting your ancestral home for the first time, there are a few ‘must see’ activities and places to consider when planning your itinerary.



Arguably the most famous city in Ireland is the capital. Dublin offers a blend of historical sites and vibrant nightlife. Explore Dublin Castle, visit Trinity College to see the Book of Kells and experience the famous Temple Bar area.

County Cork

In the south of the country, head to County Cork, known for its picturesque landscapes and charming towns. Visit Blarney Castle to view history and of course, kiss the famous Blarney Stone. Explore the vibrant city of Cork, and take a scenic drive along the Ring of Beara.

County Galway

When people think of Ireland’s rolling green mountains and dramatic coastal scenery they tend to be thinking of Galway (without necessarily knowing it). Journey west to County Galway, where you will experience some traditional culture, and enjoy some Irish music. Explore the vibrant city of Galway, visit the rugged landscapes of Connemara, and take a trip to the stunning Cliffs of Moher.

County Kerry

If you’re heading to the South West, make a point to visit County Kerry. This area of the country is renowned for its stunning scenery and the famous Ring of Kerry. Explore the Killarney National Park, visit the Dingle Peninsula, and experience offshore by taking a boat trip to the Skellig Islands (so out of this world they filmed some of Star Wars there).

Northern Ireland 

You can’t neglect the north of the island. Here you can explore the industrial city of Belfast and start the Wild Atlantic Way walk in Derry. Discover the Giant’s Causeway, visit the Titanic Belfast museum, and learn about the complex history of the region.

Explore the Wild Atlantic Way

Embark on a journey along the Wild Atlantic Way, a stunning coastal route stretching over 2,500 kilometres (1,500 miles) along Ireland’s western coast. Experience dramatic cliffs, charming villages, picturesque beaches, and breathtaking scenery.

And of course…

temple bar

Enjoy Irish Cuisine and Pubs

Sample traditional Irish cuisine, including hearty stews, chippers, soda bread, and of course, a pint of Guinness. Take in some local pubs and enjoy the warm hospitality, live music, and authentic pub atmosphere. If you’re looking for more contemporary Irish cuisine why not try a chicken fillet roll from the local deli.

Wherever you’re headed, Ireland is a magical place full of joy, nature and plenty of welcoming faces. Connect with some of those faces on Freebird Club and start your ancestral pilgrimage today!

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