

For trip ideas, advice on travel planning & preparation, tips on how to travel safely, how to host well, and how to make the most of your Freebird membership.

We also feature stories, wisdom and experiences from mature travelers who have been there and done that, and are keen to inspire others.

Showing 25 -36 of 43 articles

Category: Travel

Holiday Destinations in the U.K. and Ireland

With 66% of us planning to take between 2 and 4 holidays this year, there’s plenty of variety to be […]

Category: Travel

Following your Irish-American roots

Ireland and America are two fondly connected countries, thanks to a unified history that has led to nearly 1 in […]

Category: Travel

How to Travel by Plane (in Style)

Prior to covid, globally, there were an average of 40 million flights a day. That may seem like a lot, […]

Category: Travel

How we support hosts

Sharing your home should be a gratifying experience. The Freebird Club was hatched out of the founder’s father enjoying hosting […]

Category: Travel

How to build a tour of your local area

Some people become a local tour guide because they have an interest in local history and want to share this […]

Category: Travel

Seasonal Holidays: How to manage guests

Sharing your house during holiday periods is a wonderful way to get into the spirit of the season. Jolly anecdotes […]

Category: Travel

Our 5 favourite travel books

Reading and travelling go hand-in-hand – whether you’re engrossed in a beach page-turner, or learning more about your favoured destination […]

Category: Travel

Our Ultimate Host Checklist

As a Freebird host, you’ll be in an amazing position to meet a wide variety of similar minded travellers who […]

Category: Travel

How to become your town’s tour guide

Being a local tour guide is a very enriching and wonderful way to meet new people. It gives you an […]

Category: Travel

Senior Singles Travel Itinerary Ideas

Travelling alone, whether it’s through choice or necessity can be a wonderfully rewarding and varied experience – you have the […]

Category: Travel

The ultimate travel checklist

It doesn’t matter how well travelled you are, forgetting your toothbrush or phone charger, or an extra jumper is an […]

Category: Travel

How to become a Google Local Guide

A Google Local Guide is an intrepid local adventurer who leaves reviews, uploads and compiles photos, shares local knowledge and […]